Sunday 14 September 2008

manchester city v chelsea

After the defeated of Robinho, eh i mean manchester city hehe, its quite interesting to read what is comment of Scholari of why Chelsea failed to get the brazilian in the last minutes..

Such was the air of apparent inevitability surrounding Robinho's proposed transfer from Real Madrid to Chelsea that the London club, in a moment of pure lunacy, began selling Robinho replica shirts online. As fate would have it, this shameless stunt proved to be the final nail in chief executive Peter Kenyon's pursuit of the Brazilian superstar and now the Brazilian superstar is wearing City blue instead of Chelsea blue.

"It was a technical decision and when it is about money the board makes the decision. The coach needs to say, 'If I want this player, this is why.' If that didn't happen, the club would buy this or that," said Scolari, indicating that it was Kenyon's decision ultimately not to try to match City pound for pound.

"I am the coach and manager, but I have zero influence on money. It's a job for Peter, not me. My job is on the pitch and that's the way I work. For 27 years as a coach I've worked like that.

"Chelsea offered what they thought was correct but they didn't want to pay for what they thought wasn't correct for the club, the agent, the player.

"This is the correct philosophy for Chelsea. It's not because we have money or don't have money. We have one project and we follow that."

Chelsea pecundangi Robinho..

ambisi Robinho untuk memepecundangi Chelsea pada debutnya di EPL terbukti gagal setelah klub KKB tersebut (klub kaya baru ..) dihajar 3-1 dihadapan puluhan ribu pendukungnya sendiri, Robinho sendiri memang berhasil membuktikan kepiawaiannya, bahkan sang superstar berhasil menyarangkan sebuah gol indah untuk City, tapi, seorang Robinho tampaknya bukan tandingan "sekumpulan Robinho-Robinho" lain yang dikoleksi Abramovich di Chelsea...walhasil, skor 3-1 menjadi penegas jurang diantara keduanya,

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