Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Kaka Hit Somebody Car......And Get " Thank You"...

Milan ace Kaka has proven that he is a master at dodging heavy traffic on football pitches, the same can't be said about his skills on the road, though, as he crashed a car while trying to give a guided tour of the Italian fashion capital.

The attacking midfielder was making a video for the Brazilian website Globoesporte; his job for the day was to drive around the city while giving sightseeing commentary.

All the major attractions were taken in such as the cathedral, the popular fashion district as well as the club's headquarters in Via Turati.

Everything was going well until the Brazilian tried a 'no-look pass' on the nearside next to a traffic light and ended up hitting the back of another car.

Whether the player saw red or yellow for his offence has not yet been disclosed. However, it is reported that the victim of the Rossoneri wizard's wayward driving was somewhat more forgiving than he would have been in almost any other circumstance.

Kaka apologised to the man who, luckily for the player, was a Milan fan - it could have been so different if the third party supported Inter.

According to Sportmediaset the fan said: "You're Kaka! You are great, thank you so much."

Thank you? Really?

Kaka Becomes A Tour Guide And Crashes Car

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